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Many of you (okay, two) asked about spec scripts. And why wouldn't you? The big spec script sale is the Moby Dick for all the Monkey-Ahabs sailing alone on their little one man schooners in the Sea of Coffee Shops Around America. I find your lack of faith disturbing: The Koepp and I (Part II) Studio: No it isn't. Prove it to us. Agent's assistant: I'm faxing over the relevant page right now. (sound of fax machine... Studio: Would they like a smoking or non-smoking room? Rigorous Intuition: From MindWar to FoxNews Telecharger Msn PlusEmuleDvd DivxWinzipPiece Auto TuningPack CodecTraduction De ChansonLogiciel ComptabiliteTelechargement Musique Mp3Image ComiqueMsn PlusTarot GratuitRecette CuisineWinmxEmule FrPiercing NombrilMsn MessengerDvd PlayerClin…